Always Pray and Do Not Give Up
(Luke 18:1-18)

We have all experienced times when we've felt depressed because our prayers weren't answered quickly. But, Jesus said that we are not to give up but must continue to pray persistently even though it takes time for our prayer to be answered.

1. The widow's plea
1) She was facing a desperate situation and couldn't find help anywhere.
2) Adversary- it was a difficult situation to deal with (spiritual warfare).
3) Rancor-a plea made with deep resentment (she did not give up easily).
2. A plea that seemed impossible to be granted
1) An indifferent judge
① She cried out in despair.
② It was extremely hard to keep praying.
2) Delayed answers to our requests
? ① Resistance from Satan.
② Testing of our faith.

3. Prayer that God answers
1) Petitions must be clear and specific
① “Grant me justice against my adversary.”
2) Keep bothering God
? ① Cry out and pray frequently. In other words, stay focused on your prayer.
② Pray in the early mornings, late at night, with fasting, and at prayer mountain.
3) Know your identity as a chosen child of God in Christ
① You are loved in Jesus
4). Believe and trust in God
① Do not give up.
② Do not pull back.