When I am falsely and unjustly treated
(Gen. 39:10-20)

In human society, people are very closely connected to each other by interests. There are people living amongst us who are deeply wounded because they have been falsely accused and treated unjustly. How can we deal with such deep scars?

1. The suffering Joseph faced because of false accusations
1) Joseph's brothers hated him because of his dream.
2) Joseph was enslaved at the house of Potiphar, the captain of the guard and was falsely
accused by the wife of his master.
3) Joseph served time in prison without knowing when he would be released.
①.In spite of all these things, Joseph held on to his dream until the end and it brought
about God’s prosperity.
4) Joseph’s glory, his life being turned around.

2. The undeserved punishment Jesus suffered
1) For three and a half years, Jesus was committed to saving and giving hope to people.
2)The Jews brought false charges against Jesus and He was sentenced to capital
punishment. Punishment that only hideous sinners received.
3) Jesus’ resurrection and our hope.

3. When I am falsely accused and treated unjustly
1) Why am I being treated in such a manner?
①. If you are hostile when facing unfair treatment, your heart will be filled with
②.You can find hope if you confront unjust situations with faith.
* (Rom. 8:28, 1 Cor. 2:9)
- If you do it halfheartedly, you may fail.
- We need to patiently endure until the end of the trial.
2) Being resentful towards God is one of the most unwise things you can do.
①.The Israelites thought that by believing in God, they were doing God a favor.
②.Whenever they went through hardships, they thought they were being mistreated.
Eventually they were forsaken due to their resentment.
3) Since our future lies in the hands of God, we should leave everything to him. He
alone is God.
4) Even in the darkest hours of our lives, we should give thanks to God.* (2 Cor. 4:11)

When we are filled with hatred, resentment, and negative thinking due to being mistreated by others, we suffer a great deal. Our God, however, is the One who makes sure that good things happen to us even in the midst of darkness.