Love and Devotion
(Romans 8:35-39)

When we are in love, we sacrifice everything we have for the one we love. We cannot forget the love our mothers have shown towards us because a mother’s love is unconditional and full of devotion.
1. Abraham’s love for God
1). Abraham received his son Isaac at the age of 100.
① For Abraham, Isaac was the apple of his eye. He wouldn’t have changed that for
2). The test of love. *(Gen. 22:1-2)
3). Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son as an offering. *(Gen. 22:9-10)
4). God knew that Abraham truly feared Him. *(Gen.?22:11-12)
2. Ruth’s love for her mother- in- law
1). Her husband Elimelech and her two sons Mahlon and Kilion were dead. She was
only left with her two daughters- in-law, Orpah and Ruth.
① Where you go I will go. *(Ruth?1:16-17)
② Where you stay I will stay.
③ Your people will be my people.
④ Your God will be my God.
⑤ Where you die I will die.
⑥ And there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if
anything but death separates you and me.

3. God’s love for mankind
1). Sacrificial love *(Romans 8:31-32)
2). Jesus’ love *(Romans 8:33-39)
3). The love that sent the Holy Spirit.
4). The love that prepared heaven, our eternal home ? our death is only the beginning of eternal life.

4. Our God’s love
1). Be a living sacrifice ? lay everything up on the altar.
2). Do what God tells you to do.
3). The meaning, purpose, joy, and happiness of life can only be found in God.

Humanity’s greatest joy and happiness comes from enjoying love. That is, loving and being loved in return. But, human love is always selfish and imperfect. God’s love, however, is perfect. Only in God’s love, can we find eternal hope and happiness.