The Most Precious Thing in the Universe is Love
(1 Cor. 13:13)
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

What will never disappear from heaven or earth but will remain forever? Wealth and honor? Power and fame? Prestige? These things will all disappear from the earth one day. Only faith, hope, and love will never disappear from heaven or earth. The greatest of these is love. It is because love is the foundation of faith. And hope exists because of love.

1. True purpose of life, love
1) God is love.
- God is not the law, religious rituals, nor academics. He is love.
2) What we seek during the final moments of life is love.
- A dying person never asks to be brought his credentials, awards, jewelry, money
or possessions when he is at the end of his life. What that person seeks is to have
God and his loved ones close by.
3) What will remain forever is not our accomplishments but love.

2. The way in which love is proven and demonstrated
1) Showing interest and spending time
- We show interest in and spend time doing the things we love. Love is proven by the
amount of time we spend doing something and our level of interest in it.
2) Love is about mutual relationships between human beings.
① The ten commandments are about mutual relationships.
② The relationship between God and human beings ?the fourth commandment.
③ The relationships between human beings- the sixth commandment.
④ Love is the completion of all the commandments.
3) To love is to give. *(John 3:16)
- When we are in love, it becomes natural to give.

3. Why is love the greatest and eternal?
1) Because God is love.
2) Religion without love is of no benefit. *(1 Cor. 13:1-3)
3) The criteria by which we will be judged in heaven.
① God will not ask about our lifetime achievements.
- He will not ask about how much wealth we accumulated or the hobbies we enjoyed
during our lives.
② How much love have you shown towards God?
- How much love have your shown towards your neighbors?
- How much time have you spent with God?
- How much interest have you shown in Him?

4. Characteristics of love
*(1 Cor. 13:4-7)

As Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross proving his love towards us, we can believe that by His grace, our faith will lead us to hope. Therefore, the greatest treasure in the universe is the Cross and only the love that was demonstrated on the Cross changes our relationships with God and our neighbors. From relationships filled with hatred and resentment to ones filled with forgiveness and love.