Challenges and Responses?
(2 Cor. 4:7-10)?

?“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.”

The British historian Arnold Toynbee once wrote that history is about challenges and responses. It is also true for our lives because our lives are determined by how we respond to the numerous challenges we encounter. Some try to avoid challenges or give in to them. As a result, they become slaves to circumstances and end up being miserable and ultimately destroyed. Others respond to challenges by relying on their own power only to find pain and greater disappointment. Then there are those who respond to challenges by relying on God’s power which leads them to a new life and world. ?
1. The challenges and responses?of Israel
1) After 430 years of slavery in Egypt, 3 million Israelites escaped from Egypt following
Moses. ?
2) Pharaoh ordered his army, the strongest in the world at that time, to capture the Israelites
fleeing from them or kill them if they resisted. ?
3) Israel’s challenging dilemma ? They were being chased by the Egyptian army while
at the same time having to confront the Red Sea.?

2. Moses, who relied on God?and responded
1) The divided Red Sea?
2) The Egyptian army was buried at sea. ?
3) Challenges and responses in the desert?
① Food - Manna?
② Protein - quails?
③ Water ? flowed from the rock?
④ Cold and heat ? the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire?

3. Challenges in our lives?
1) Challenges in the desert of life ? sin, secularism, disease, poverty, failure, death, anxiety,
worries, hatred, anger, frustration, despair?
2) Mankind's response to challenges ? science, knowledge, reasoning, technology, self-effort,
communism, capitalism, democracy?

4. Jesus’ atonement and the grace that overcame all challenges?
1) Jesus took on the greatest challenge with every fiber of his being and redeemed us from
all our sins. ?
2) It is finished ? the completion of atonement and the victory of resurrection.?
3) Carried out by the death of Jesus?
① Overcome by Jesus’ life?
② The Holy Spirit helps us?
③ The Word is our power?
* (Romans 8:31-39)?
We must not try to avoid various challenges in our lives. If we try to avoid them, we will die. We must never give in. If we give in, we will become slaves. We must respond. There is a limitation to mankind's power and ability. If we depend on our own power, the war will never cease. The way to overcoming challenges and bringing about great victory and blessings is to believe in the grace of Jesus’ atonement, depend on the Holy Spirit, and obey the Word of God. ?