Jesus’ Sufferings on the Cross
(Isaiah 53:1-12)?
If you believe that Jesus suffered severe, merciless, and terrible pain on the Cross to redeem us, you must be redeemed. The prophesy in Psalm 22:14-18 speaks of the unimaginable physical suffering Jesus went through. ?
1. The physical suffering that Jesus received ?
1) Jesus suffered on our behalf, carrying all of our sins and iniquities. Jesus’ suffering was not
without a purpose or price.
2) He suffered to take the merciless, cruel, and crucifying pain of physical diseases away from us. ?
① Jesus’ suffering would have been in vain if it did not stop us from suffering pain from diseases.?
② If he suffered just for the sake of suffering, and not for the purpose of healing our diseases, He
would not be the redeemer but simply a teacher. ?
③ Jesus must receive the fruit of his suffering. That is, the healing of believers. ?
④ We shouldn’t say, “Jesus is our healer” and yet be content with not receiving healing.
⑤ We should never make Jesus’ suffering in vain. ?
3) Jesus was punished by God and cursed by being hung on a tree so that He could deliver us from
curses and despair. This is the only way of justifying Jesus’ pain. ?
2. The mental suffering Jesus received?
1) As a man who knew no sin, He bore our sins and was condemned for all humanity.?
① Because of the price paid, He can forgive believers and give them the grace of being
called righteous.?
2) Because of the of absolute loneliness, despair, and pain he experienced on the Cross. Being
forsaken by God and man, He can offer reconciliation and love.?
3) The suffering and fear from death in despair. ?
① Because of the price paid, we can experience the grace of dying in peace without fear.?
3. The spiritual suffering Jesus received?
1) He was questioned about his claim as the son of God.?
① People ridiculed Him saying, “Come down from the Cross if you are the son of God”. Because of
the price paid, we can receive the Holy Spirit and be assured of being a son of God.?
2) The terrifying despair that came from His prayer not being accepted.?
① “Why have you forsaken me?” Because of the price paid, we have been given the assurance that
God answers whatever prayer we pray in Jesus’ name. ?
3) The spiritual pain that He experienced, being forsaken by God though He was the son of God.
Experiencing broken communication with the Father, something He had never experienced before
in eternity past. ?
① Because of the price paid, we are no longer enemies of God but have become His sons and
daughters. ?
? ?
We would have been destined to live in utter darkness and despair if Jesus had not paid the price for us to be free. Therefore, we must receive all that Jesus paid for. We must enjoy the fruits of His suffering. So that He did not suffer in vain. Jesus’ death is my death, and His resurrection is my resurrection. Hallelujah, Jesus, Amen. ?