The Worldly Heart and The Heavenly Heart?
(Proverbs 4:23)?
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”?
Where is the human heart? Though it is in us, we cannot pin point exactly where it is. Some say that it is inside the brain. Others say that it is in our chest or even in our stomach. Regardless, we all know that the heart is the foundation and core of our existence. The Bible says above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. There are basically two types of hearts, one is the worldly heart and the other is the heavenly heart. ?
1. The worldly heart ?
1) A heart that is a slave to the devil, the prince of the world ? it follows the ways of the
world and satan, who is the ruler of and power of the air.?
2) He works in the hearts of those who disobey God’s commands.?
① He causes people to succumb to the desires of the flesh.?
② Evil thoughts, thoughts that lead to inequities and sins, thoughts of pride and arrogance,
thoughts of greed and covetousness. ?
③ We are by nature the children of wrath. ?
④ Filled with hatred, anger, envy, jealousy, grudges, and lies.
2. The heavenly heart?
1) A heart that repents of its sins and is reborn after accepting Jesus Christ. *(Eph. 2:4-10)?
2) A life that lives by the Word and the Holy Spirit.?
3) A heart that is firmly centered on the Cross.?
① The grace of Jesus sets us free from the power of the devil.?
② A heart that is refined by the five-fold gospel and three-fold blessing.?
3. Growth of the heavenly heart ?
1) Thoughts transformed into the mind of Christ. ?
2) Dreams that follow the Word and the Spirit. ?
3) Practices the scripture that says, “The righteous will live by faith.”?
4) Masters the language of heaven.?
Our heart is like a house or a temple in which either the devil or the Spirit dwells, without exception. Therefore, we must be watchful of who we are serving as the master of our heart. ?