A Trashcan and A Treasure Box?
(2 Cor. 4:1-12)?

Human beings were not created to exist by themselves. The jars of the human heart was meant to be filled with either trash or treasure. In the beginning, we were created as the temple of God but because of the fall,we were reduced to being the dwelling place of the devil. ?
? ?
1. A trash can person?
1) An evil trashcan that follows earthly culture and trends ?
2) A dirty trashcan filled with sins and depravity ? disobedience to the Ten commandments ?
3) A greedy trashcan filled with covetousness?
4) A trashcan filled with pride and arrogance?
? ?
2. A person who becomes a treasure box?
1) A treasure box filled with the salvation of Jesus ? the five-fold gospel and three-fold blessings?
2) A treasure box filled with the Holy Spirit?
3) A treasure box filled with faith and obedience ?
4) A treasure box filled with the Word ?
5) A treasure box filled with hopeful dreams?
? ?
3. To experience change?
1) Empty the trash can ? the cause of all sorts of dirty smells, cockroaches, mice, and germs?
2) Repent and be broken ?
① Abraham’s faith and obedience?
② 40 years for Moses’ change ?
③ Jacob’s experience at the Jabbok River ? It changed him into Israel?
④ Joseph’s suffering for 13 years ?
⑤ The apostle Paul and his physical thorn?
3) Die with Jesus?
4) Become a jar of the Spirit?
5) Think, dream, believe and speak with the grace of Jesus’ redemption in mind. ?
? ?
Once the jar of clay is filled with the treasures of Jesus, it is hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed for God is with us. ?