Where Does My Help Come From?
(Psalm 121:1-8)?
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When facing difficulties, we usually ask for help. We try to reach out to anyone who can help us and sometimes we receive help from them. However, there are times when we face daunting problems or extreme hardships which are beyond human ability. Therefore, our ultimate help comes only from God. ?
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1. Only God can solve all of humanity’s problems ?
1) God is the Creator. ?
2) God governs and preserves all things in the universe. ?
3) God alone performs supernatural miracles. ?
① The Israelites’ exodus from Egypt ?
② Through the ministry of Jesus?
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2. God wants to help us ?
1) Because He loves us ?
2) He takes pity on us and forgives us. ?
3) Through the salvation of Jesus on the Cross ? sins, futility, meaninglessness, and death was
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3. In order to receive God’s help?
1) We must accept Jesus as our Savior. * (Ps. 91:14)?
2) We must repent or our sins.?
3) We must have faith in God to the end ? leaving everything to Him.?
4) We must ask fervently. * (Ps. 91:15-16)?
5) We must give thanks in every circumstance. * (Ps. 91:9-12)?
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In times of peace, we do not realize how blessed we are to have a God whom we can count on, a God who bears all of our burdens for us. It is only during the heavy storms of life that this realization comes to us as indescribable blessings. * (Psalm 91:1-7)?