The Self-Portrait and Self-Esteem ?
(1 Peter 2:9-10)?
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

A bent over elderly woman with white hair was sitting at the transfer path in the subway station. Thinking that she was a beggar, I gave her one thousand won. In return, she gave me a pack of gum. Then, I saw that she was selling gum. I said, “That’s fine,” but she insisted. I said “No thanks” again and then she started to frown. I could see that she was determined to give me the gum in return. Then, I realized that she had a strong will to pay me back. She really didn’t want to receive money for free. She was selling goods to make a profit, not begging people. What she wanted me to do was to treat her differently from a beggar who just asks for pity from people. ??

1. The wounded self-esteem
1) The stripped-naked self-portrait * (Gen. 3:7)?
2) A skirt made of leaves from a fig tree ? the wounded self-esteem struggles to clothe his self-
3) Adam, whose pride was hurt, hid himself from God amongst the trees. ?
4) The lost pride and anthrophobia * (Gen. 3:10)?
5) Undignified scapegoatism * (Gen. 3:12-13)?
2. Jesus who was crucified on the cross
1) The Lord, the Son of God was born as a son of man.?
2) He carried the naked self-portrait of human beings and low self-esteem instead of men.?
① Human beings were degraded by sins?
② Character was stained with inequities?
③ Sickened in heart and body?
④ The cursed life?
⑤ Human beings had a negative self-portrait due to death and destruction.?
-The deeper our pride is hurt, the meaner we become both in language and actions.?
3) The suffering of redemption for sins * (Isa. 53:7-11)?
4) Clothed with redemption ? righteousness, holiness, health, blessings, eternal life?
3. Jesus who clothes us with a new creation?
1) A new creation * (2 Cor. 5:17)?
- Jesus who met with a Samaritan woman?
2) A positive self-portrait and sound self-esteem?
- The woman by the well recovered her self pride and was changed. ?
3) Our self-portrait * (1 Peter 2:9-10)?
4) Noble pride?
① Know the self-portrait of a new creation?
② Imagine and dream about a new portrait.?
③ Believe that we have been miraculously changed. ?
④ Make a confession of who you are?
- When we are clothed with noble redemption, our pride is healed and fear is overcome.
- When we have our pride healed and are made whole, we will have a positive and happy
If we keep our self-portrait of heaven in our hearts just like an ID card, we will have noble pride and be able to overcome our sense of inferiority, defeat, and despair so that we can work with God. ?