A Person Reaps what the Person sows
(Galatians 6:7)

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.?
As a Korean saying goes, you reap what you sow. So what will happen then if we sow nothing? We end up getting thorns and weeds. Whatever we sow in small quantities we reap in small quantities and the other way around. Thanksgiving Day is the day when we reap what we sow and give thanks. ?

1. Sowing and reaping from the view of nature

a) We can reap in great quantity when we sow and grow in a fertile field. ?
- The parable of sowing ? along the path, on the rocky ground, on the thorns, on the fertile land?
- We should cultivate well ? by weeding a field, fertilizing, preventing diseases and insects, having irrigation facilities in place to control over droughts and floods, a seed may grow well. ?
b) Migration of farmers during the Japanese colonial era and the current status of farming in North Korea?
- A larger number of people had to leave their home, left for Manchuria or Gando after abandoning all the lands and facilities for farming, and became poor wanderers.?
- North Korea also suffered from a food shortage every year. ?
c) Since there is more than a self-sufficient amount of rice reaped in Korea yearly, we have easily overcome natural disasters and enjoyed a bumper crop. We should give thanks for them. ?

2. Raising a human being?

a) Thu future of a nation lies in the hands of education, which is to educate people. ?
b) The reason why we were able to rise from the ashes was due to our passionate parents and social climate. ?
c) The future of the Korean church also lies in the hands of theological education. ?
- New theology and liberal theology will eventually turn churches into cemeteries. ?
- The necessity of a Jesus-centered mind and the grace of the Holy Spirit is required.
3. The seed that I have planted for 50 years?

a) The seed of five-fold gospel and three-fold blessings.?
b) The seed of spirituality in the forth dimension.?
c) The seed of the gospel in hope. ?
d) The seed of faith centered on the Cross.?


We ought to be sincerely grateful to God for a harvest we gain after going through hell and high water. God accepts thank-offerings and is glorified through it. Giving thanks is to make us righteous before God so that we can experience salvation. The best way of praying in times of difficulties is praising. Praising God glorifies Him and shakes up the base of the devil. ?