When I am weak, and then I am strong
(2Co 11:23-27)

   From human perspective, David was no match for Goliath. Goliath was a great general and warrior even from the childhood whereas David was just a little boy. There's no way for David to win this fight from human eyes.
The result, however, was contrary to what people thought it would be. It was because Almighty God was with David, young boy who fought relying on God. In fact, the fight was between God and Goliath. David was a mere instrument that God used. King Saul of Israel and his army was frightened, seeing and counting on the difference in physical strength. On the other hand, David was absolutely strong, being aware of his weakness and wholly relying on God.

1. Paul's Circumstantial suffering
1) When I am weak, and then I am strong * (2 Cor. 12:10)
2) Paul's suffering * (2Cor. 11:23-27)

2. Paul's Physical suffering
1) 2 Cor. 12:7-10

3. The reasons for suffering
1) 2 Cor. 12:7
① Not to be proud of himself
② Assured of his weakness
2) Answers from the Lord * (2 Cor. 12:8)
① He received sufficient grace to offset the sufferings.
② The grace is made complete when we are weak - It's filled after being emptied.
3) Paul's attitude
① Joyful for suffering - A life that gives thanks
② Boastful about his weakness - modesty
③ Suffering that enables to sustain Jesus' power

The closer degraded humans become to God, the more they ought to weaken and be deprived of the curtains of physicality. Therefore, a life with great grace accompanied with suffering. In times of suffering, we ought not to fix our eyes on suffering but the Lord who embraces us. With the comfort and consolation from the Lord, we can easily overcome all the sufferings.