Holistic Healing?
(Exodus 15:26)?
Although human beings are naturally created to live in eternity without getting sick, since we committed sin against God, however, we have been punished to get sick and eventually die to return to the dust. That is why we suffer from all kinds of diseases, both physical and mental, and spare no efforts in healing our diseases. ?
1. Healing of sick personality
1) Sins and inequities are forgiven by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. ?
2) Alcoholism, gambling, lying, obscenity, theft, hatred, grudge are examples of sick personality which as the part of humanity people cannot get away with by themselves because rebuke, condemnation, and judgment do not enable to change people with those diseases. ?
- Humans ought to be treated to have virtuous personality: reaching holiness?

2. Healing of mental health
1) Abnormal mental status is caused by mental diseases. ?
2) Pathologically negative minds, incompetence, lethargy, defeatism, chronic anxieties and worries, concerns, nervousness, and depression require medical treatment.?
- People with these diseases need to be treated, not to be criticized or denunciated ?

3. Healing of the body
1) There are too many physical diseases to count that we cannot even memorize their names except for doctors. These physical diseases should not be a subject of criticism or contempt but that of treatment. ?

4. Jesus’ healing ministry
1) Jesus spent two thirds of his public ministry on the earth in healing people. ?
2) He also ordered His disciples to heal people’s diseases while preaching the Gospel. ?
3) A part of His suffering on the Cross was meant to heal us. ?
In Jesus’ last will, He said that signs of healing will accompany when preaching the Gospel around the world “Drive out demons in my name.. will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” Therefore, we ought to speak about the grace of healing and put it into practice while preaching the Gospel.