Merry Christmas
(Isaiah 7:14)

What distinguishes Christianity from other religions is that Christianity does not require its believers to reach nirvana, be disciplined morally, study, meditate, or perform penance for salvation. Rather, believers in Christianity receive salvation immediately after believing in and accepting Jesus Christ as Savior no matter how terrible they are.
Jesus Christ was not a teacher who taught us the way of salvation. Rather, Jesus Christ was by Himself the way, the truth, the life, and the salvation.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to the earth 2000 years ago and our Savior who carried out our sins and inequities, died, was resurrected, and ascended to the Heaven. Christmas is the day when Jesus was born.

1. The birth of Jesus Christ

- Isaiah, a prophet who lived in 700 B.C., prophesied the secret of the birth of Jesus.
1) The pregnancy of the Virgin and the origin of Jesus ? Immanuel : God is with us * (Isaiah 7:14)
2) His identity * (Isaiah 9:6-7)
- Though he was incarnated into a baby and son, His true nature was
① The wonder ? God’s another name, the one who performs miracles
② The counsellor - Wonderful Counselor ③ Mighty God ④ Everlasting Father ⑤ Prince of Peace
- There has been no baby born with such a name in the human history.
His name was given even before He was born.

2. The achievement of the prophecy

1) Revelation to Maria and Joseph ? They were engaged.
① Gabriel the angel which informed Maria that she would become pregnant through the Holy Spirit * (Luke 1:30-35)
② God’s revelation to Joseph in his dream when he was thinking about leaving Maria right after knowing that she was pregnant * (Matthew 1:18-25)
2) Delivery in Bethlehem ? Following the Roman emperor’s command, people had to go back to their ancestors’ hometowns to be listed on the family register
3) Shepherds’ visit * (Luke 2:8-20)
4) Visits of three Mages from the east * (Matthew 2:9-12)

3. Jesus Christ who came as the light of salvation and hope

1) He came as Adam, the second ancestor of the humankind.
2) New life given to the humankind on the Cross
① Forgiveness and liberation from sins and inequities
㉮ Became entitled to march toward God ㉯ Found the meaning and value of the life ㉰ Be freed and delivered from the fear of death
② Miraculous life with the Holy Spirit
㉮ Guarantee of a new life ㉯ Decisive evidence that we have become the child of God
③ Holistic healing
㉮ Turning the bitter water of spirit into sweet ㉯ Curing of physical diseases
④ From Curses into the blessings of Abraham
⑤ From the death and hell to the Paradise in the Heaven

The salvation of Jesus Christ is not to be given as a price for our deeds. It is the blessing that we receive salvation through the grace of God by believing and accepting Jesus who is the savior. Transformation and growth begin after being saved.