If You Are Willing to Die You Will Live, If You Are Willing to Live You Will Die
(Daniel 3:8-18)

If we rely on the word of God with all our life when believing in God, God works. But if we are sitting on the fence having half faith and half doubts and being afraid of dying, the work of God’s Word wont’ take place and we also shall die.
People are hesitant about leaving everything to God, fearing whether or not God will help them. If they do so, they will lose everything.
When we are firmly resolved and leave everything to God, He takes care of us. To this end, we need to be resolved. We need to be firmly resolved saying if we die we shall live and if we die we shall die. This brings peace and courage to our minds.

1. The faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
1) They set over the affairs of the province of Babylon recommended by Daniel, the governor.
2) Everyone who hears the sound of music must fall down and worship the image of gold and that whoever does not fall down and worship will be thrown into a blazing furnace.
3) Three young men’s confession of faith and they rebelled against the command of the King * (Daniel 3:13-18)
- God can easily deliver us from the king’s hand and we will not bow down even if He does no.
- Faith with stern resolution, firm faith
4) They were thrown into a furnace heated seven times hotter than usual.
- The fourth man appeared * (Daniel 3:19-23, 3:24-30)
2. The faith of Daniel
1) The cunning trickery of those who slandered Daniel
- Anyone who prays to any god or human being during the next thirty days after the issuance of the King’s command, except to the king, shall be thrown into the lions’ den.
2) Being aware of the law, Daniel still prayed toward Jerusalem three times a day
3) Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den * (Daniel 6:16)
4) God’s protection * (Daniel 6:18-23)
3. Decisions of our faith
1) Take off one’s shoes and place them before God
- Leaving one’s authority over life to God
2) Jesus’ prayer at Gethsemane
- Not what I will, but what you will
3) Resolution in heart saying if I die I shall die
4) When we want to live we have fears in heart. But when we are firmly resolved even to the point of death, fear disappears.
5) Be strong and courageous and do not be swayed by right or left but rely on the words of God only

If you throw yourself based on devotion of faith and absolutely dependant faith with clear goals and dream while not looking back, God will accept you. I pray that we all had firm resolution in heart saying if God does not take us we will die readily.