Death Would Be Either Despair or Hope.
(John 3:16-21)

Subconsciously, human beings always think of death. They even think about committing a suicide again and again under severe stress. But information on death, which is the other side of life, can be obtained only through the Bible.
Only Jesus who came from heaven is the way, the truth, and the life over which we can cross the world of death. Death can be either desperate despair or glory which cannot be described with words. We all live in this world standing at the crossroads.

1. Human life ? a sandcastle on despair
1) Life and despair defined by philosophers
① Despair of guilt and condemnation
② Despair of futility and meaninglessness
③ Despair of death and nothingness
2) Life and despair described by the Bible
① Despair of sins - death came to all people, because all sinned
② The cursed earth - Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you.
③ You will return to the ground since from it you were taken ? Declaration of sickness and death * (Eccl 1:1-11)
2. Jesus’ death ? the foundation of hope and dreams
1) Jesus and salvation
① Jesus was neither a pioneer of salvation nor a teacher
② Jesus is salvation itself
2) Offering sacrifice for salvation ? the five-fold gospel
3. My death ? is it despair or hope?
1) The death of the rich and Lazarus
- The crossroads of death, that is, the road to despair or the road to hope
2) Two thieves hung on the cross together
- The cross of hope for one thief and the cross of despair for the other thief
3) The end of death will surely come to me.

Both Steve Jobs, the billionaire and Jeongil Kim, the hideous and notorious dictator of North Korea, died. It is only natural that human beings are born to die and there will be judgment waiting after death. In our lives in this world, we have to prepare ourselves for the eternal journey.