The Prayer of the Fourth Dimension
(Luke 18:3-8)

Prayer is the breath of spirit. If you stop praying, your spirit will soon wither away. In prayer, there always be thanksgiving and praises. As Israelite priests gave offerings to God every morning and evening in the past, we must ceaselessly give the offering of thanksgiving and praises to God. What’s needed the most, however, is to say a prayer in the right way when we need God’s practical help facing daunting issues in our lives.
The Bible commands us to say a prayer of faith but we need guidance on how to do so. The answer to this question is the prayer of the fourth dimension.

1. The prayer of faith
- Faith is to pray while having the hopes and dreams of your heart as if they are real. Confidence is to pray with assurance of things that are not yet there but as if they are there. When you buy real estate, for instance, you can grab a hold of papers showing that the real estate is registered under your name. Like this, we should seek with assurance that no one can deny. In other words,
1) Clearly realize the word of promise from God in your thoughts
2) Imagine and look for the promise realized in actuality.
3) Believe in things as if things are there even though they are not yet there.
4) Command the things to be exactly how you wish them to be
- These are the foundation of the fourth-dimensional prayer.

2. The prayer of Abraham
1) He got the answers from God through the Word (at the age of 75) * (Gen. 15:1-4)
2) While looking up the sky, he had a dream of having children as numerous as stars in the sky* (Gen. 15:5).
3) When you have dreams, they produce faith * (Gen. 15:6-7)
- For the next ten years until he turned 85, he still did not have a son born to him. This made his faith weak and shaken and he was so discouraged that he took Hagar as his concubine, following his wife Sarah’s encouragement, and had a son named Ishmael through her, which broke up and scattered his family. * (Gen. 16:1-6)
4) Abraham repented of his sins and was led to have confession of lips, which made him held tight to his faith (at the age of 99) * (Gen. 17:1-8)
- At the age of 100, a son, Isaac, was born to him.

3. The prayer of the Fourth Dimension
1) Thoughts, Dreams about thoughts, faith in dreams, and confession of lips in which confidence and evidence lie.
That is, prayers for things to become real with the confidence and proof of assurance answered.
? When we pray to be healed, for example
① Knowing the promise of healing for sure ② Seeing yourself as healed in your imagination and praying
③ Believing in miracles ④ Proclaiming that you are healed.
- That’s why we cry out like this, “O God, as I am already healed in my mind, let the healing happen to my body as it was done in my mind.”
2) Pray persistently in a simply manner * (Luke 18:3-8).
- Do not lose your heart but keep asking for until you get practical answers.

The prayer of the fourth dimension is to think about what you hope for, imagine how it is realized, have a belief that miracles will happen, confess with your mouth and keep praying for it to come true as you pray. ?