Be Joyful Always
(Thessalonians 5:16)

According to a paper on the key to longevity published by Professor Jongin Kim at Wonkwang University on May 24th, 2008, senior citizens aged 100 and above laugh 10 times more than those in their eighties and 12 times more than those in their sixties.
In other words, those who live longer than 100 years have 1/6 of worries than those in their eighties and 1/12 than those in their sixties.
The Bible says, A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.
As the Bible says, we need to rejoice always in order to have a healthy and happy life both mentally and physically.

1. God is the principle of joy
1) The attribute of love is joy.
- In love, we rejoice. Jacob served his uncle for 7 years as a farmhand but it seemed like a day to him because he was full of joy out of his love toward Rachael.
2) The attribute of hatred is sadness ? If people hate, hold grudges against, and do not forgive each other, they end up living in the darkness of sadness, depression, despair, and misery.
3) While God is love and the principle of joy, the devil is the principle of hatred and sadness.
① Joy makes people lively and elated ? When we accept Jesus as our savior and are saved and experience the love of God, we have joy overflowing like a river.
② Hatred and grudges bring about sadness, frustration, and despair.
- Through this, the devil steals, kills, and destroys our lives.
③ The virtues of a leader is to give joy to people so that they can live elated with dreams full of life and fly with the wings of hope.
2. God gives us joy
1) In love, joy springs ? Our loved ones like lovers, parents, children, and friends are the source of joy for us.
2) The greatest love of God is to give us His only Son, Jesus Christ.
- Accepting Jesus is to accept the love of God and the spring of joy.
3) Jesus destroyed all the negative powers that bring us sadness on the Cross and has poured us with the grace and love of God.
4) The Holy Spirit is the spirit of joy and speaking in tongues the Spirit enables us to do is the pump of joy * (Isaiah 28:9-12)
3. For a joy-filled life
1) Be closer to God ? If we are be joyful through prayers, singing hymns, reading the Bible and giving worships, your wishes in heart will be accomplished * (Psalm 32:11)
2) Preach the gospel ? Great joy comes to us when working with the Spirit.
3) Make God joyful and share love and happiness with your neighbors ? We become happy when we make others happy.
4) Always think and speak in a positive way ? Laugh a lot.

Human beings are originally born to rejoice. When humans were disowned by God and became slaves to the devil because of sins, joys were disappeared and humans became slaves to sadness, depression, despair, and darkness. When we rejoice God, we gain strength in life (Nehemiah 8:10).