We Should Live in the Rest of Jesus
(Hebrew 4:1-11)

Nowadays it has become a norm to work for five days and take a rest for two days. In the United States, however, there arises a movement to work for four days only and take a rest for three days. I still remember the old days when people used to work a full week without even having a rest for a day. The Bible says God worked for six days and took a day off as Sabbath of God.

1. Humanity and God’s rest
1) When God created the universe, He created the heaven, the earth and everything on it in six days.
2) God created humanity on the sixth day and finished the work.
3) The seventh day is the first day since a human was born as well as the day of Sabbath when God took a rest.
? How would that be if Adam had asked God like this?
“God, today is the first day since my birth. What shall I do?”
God would have said, “Today is my Sabbath day. So I want you to do nothing but take a rest in me.”
4) In time of Moses, Israelites made it a law to take a rest on Sabbath and worship God ? the 4th commandment.
2. Human sin and God’s judgment
1) God let human beings live in and enjoy the world God created, believing in, obeying and giving thanks to God.
2) The tree of knowledge of good and evil and disrupted rest
- Instead of entirely believing in and obeying God, human beings proclaimed that they would live on their own and challenged the sovereignty of God.
3) God’s judgment and useless works
① The problem of sins ② The problem of inequities ③ The problem of diseases ④ The problem of curses ⑤ The problem of death
- The problem of pride, greed, and avarice derived from all those problems above
3. The rest of Jesus, our Savior
1) Jesus, a new ancestor of human beings
2) I finished all * (Isaiah 53)
3) The new rest brought by resurrection
4) We must come into the new rest
① Knowing the truth ② Believing in whole-heartedly ③ Obeying ④ Acknowledging positively ⑤ and singing hymns in gratitude

The first human being, Adam, lead human beings into indescribable torment by denying God’s rest. The last Adam, Jesus, has given us a new rest. There will be destruction waiting for us if we do not accept the new rest.