A Governing Life
(Psalm 8:3-9)

Human beings are blessed to conquer and govern all things that God created. Because of Adam’s rebellion and fall, however, humanity forgot all the grace of God but rather became slaves to the devil to be ruled by it. But humans have been liberated from the devil through the salvation of Jesus, the last Adam, and restored the power and the authority to govern their own lives (Gal 5:1).

1. The universe that God created
- Everything in the Universe was created by the Word of God. * (Hebrew 11:3)
1) He created the whole Universe with the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.
- The earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
2) God created the heaven and the earth with the Word and the Holy Sprit ? He worked for six days.?
2. The world that God gave to humanity
1) The world and life deprived by the devil ? Adam handed them over to the devil. * (Luke 4:5-6)
2) Jesus’ redemption on the Cross and the renewed human beings ? He triumphed over the authority and power of the devil through the Cross
- A life living by the Word and the Spirit * (Luke 11:18-20)?
3. A life that we should govern
1) In the place of grace, the redemption on the Cross
① Govern sins
② Govern evil doings
③ Govern diseases
④ Govern circumstances
⑤ Govern the power of Hades
2) Govern by the Word of grace the Bible unfolds
- Read, listen, and meditate on the Word.?
4. How do we govern it?
- Govern by the Word and the Spirit.
1) Your thoughts must coincide with the word ? you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
2) We must have a dream with clear goals
3) We must believe
4) We must proclaim the word
- And pray for the Holy sprit to work.

The Bible says that God made us rule over things He made by His own hands (Psalm 8:6).
Though God created the heaven and the earth, the world we live in must be governed by us according to God’s will.
And rulers must exhibit resolute leadership.