Don’t Be Downcast or Disturbed
(Psalm 42:5)
Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.

Our body is where our hearts and minds dwell in. As long as our heart is in good health as a master and sits inside our body, our body is safe. If the master fails to keep balance and wander around, however, a thief can easily come to steal, kill and destroy.

1. You should serve God as the master of our heart.
(for God to be a master of good health who dwells in our body)
1) We need to clearly realize and believe in the grace of Jesus who redeemed us.
① To become a new creation through the grace of the Cross
② We need to depend on God
③ We need to be assured of the love of God * (Ro 5:5-8, 8:31-39)
2) We need to live with God * (1 Co 6:9-11)
① To become holy by believing in Jesus
② To become righteous by depending on the precious blood
③ To become holy by accepting the Holy Spirit
④ To become a new one through prayers and words
⑤ To become like Jesus through worship and service to others
2. You should stand firm in the Word
- Physical senses and circumstantial difficulties knock us down.
1) Attacks from the three-dimensional world
① Life of spirit
② Difficulties in daily life
③ Physical weakness and diseases
2) We must react to the difficulties bravely through words
① Psalm 23
② 3 John 1:2
③ 1 Peter 2:24
④ Isaiah 41:10-11
⑤ Psalm 91편
3. You should control your mind
1) You need to control our thoughts ? We need to turn negative thoughts into positive ones of the Word
2) You need to control negative expectations ? Expect for great things to happen
3) Control anxiety and fear
4) Speak in positive terms bravely
5) Be joyful, pray constantly, and give thanks

If our heart loses its balance, staggers, and collapses, we are in misery. Therefore, we must hold our heart tight.
