Garments made of fig leaves and garments made of skin
(Genesis 3:11, 21)
11 And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?” 21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

It is no exaggeration to say that the human civilization is the civilization of garments. People made all sorts of garments applicable to different environments and climates. Genesis tells us of the very first garments made and worn by Adam and Eve.

1. Adam and garments
1) When he was first created, garments were of no use.
① He did not need any garments because he was clothed with the glory of God.
② As he was degraded, the glory of God left him and his nakedness was revealed.
2) The first garment Adam made for himself
① The garment made of fig leaves
② It was soon withered and dried so that it could not be used any longer.
3) The garment made by God
① He took an animal and had it bled and skinned so as to make garments for humans to wear permanently.
② The garment made of skin could protect human bodies from tough environment and climate.

2. The symbolic garments
- The garment humans made for themselves when they were apart from God.
1) The garment with which people tried to escape despair
① The garment of ethics and moral behaviors
② The garment of tower of Babel through which people seek the meaning of life
③ All sorts of religious garment with which humans try to overcome death
2) Garments of greed
① Garments of material greed
② Garments of pride and honor
③ Garments of status and power
- All these humanitarian garments cannot cover the naked beings of humans

3. The garment made by God
1) What the garments made of skin represent ? garments made from the blood of the only Son
2) Garments of the grace of God
① Garments of righteousness
② Garments of holiness
③ Garments which enabled humans to stand before God
④ Garments of eternity
⑤ Garments of healing
⑥ Garments of blessing

Only after being clothed with Christ, humans can overcome the fate and circumstances and live with the fullness of life in both present time and times to come.