I will strengthen you
(Isaiah 41:10-11)

From birth to grave, we human beings cannot escape anxieties and fear, though the degree of such feelings differs from one another. Anxiety arises in imaginations without clearly picturing enemies while fear comes to us when we know our enemies for sure. Anxiety and fear is everywhere to be seen just like virus. Though we cannot do away with them, we are capable of overcoming and winning against them. Lest we win against such feelings, all sorts of diseases, pain, despair, and frustration, not to mention that we become physically and mentally shrunk. The world today faces anxiety and fear due to the economic crisis. In the past, the United States or Europe used to sustain Asia or Africa in the face of economic crisis and Europe was also supported by the United States or Asia in times of difficulty. Today, however, the whole world faces economic crises being swept into the tsunami of anxieties and fear borne from economic collapse at the global level. Now we have only one to look to. That is, our God.

1. Do not fear
1) God is the one who created the Universe and rules it.
2) God is greater than any anxieties or fears
3) Think, dream about and proclaim God who is with us. * (Psalm 91:2-3)
4) I have no fear since God is with me.
2. Do not be dismayed
1) Think about the special relationship ? My God
2) Though there are countless men, I have only one father. Though there are countless women, I have only one mother.
3) God who gave birth to me spiritually.
①He made me born again with water and the Spirit.
② God of redemption * (Isaiah 53:4-6)
3. I will strengthen you
1) Anxiety and fear make us weak.
- They make us pull back and become slave to our enemies (The ten spies of Israel and their reports with fear)
2) What makes us have faith, courage and strength.
① I will surely help you ? A promise given to Joshua * (Joshua 1:5-9)

4. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
1) The righteous right hand
- Jesus, the righteous (died and resurrected) and the one standing on the right side of the throne of God
2) God who has become one with us * (Gal 2:20)

* (Isaiah 41:11-16)
Only true Christians can overcome fear and anxiety and live with peace and courage.