The Resurrection of Jesus
(1 Co 15:12-20)

Jesus who received capital punishment of the Cross on the hill of Golgotha in the capital city of Jerusalem in Israel. The good news of Jesus’ resurrection three days after he was buried at the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea spread to the whole world and He is now worshipped and praised as our Savior. Why is the death and resurrection of Jesus so important to us?

1. Adam’s Fall and the devil’s domination
- (Due to Adam’s fall, the world given to humans fell under the rule of death and the one who ceased the power of death, the devil, came to rule the world.)
1) Death of spirit and slave to the sin
2) Physical diseases and death
3) Cursed life
4) Life and death of despair
2. Jesus’ atonement on the Cross
- (Jesus came as a new ancestor of humanity and declared the war against the devil and the power of death and became an atoning sacrifice for human beings at the Cross.)
1) Redeemed us of sins and inequities
2) Released us of diseases and curse
3) Overcame death and the Hades
3. The final battle on the Cross
1) The devil tried to make Jesus give up on being an atoning sacrifice by putting him through the unbearable pain of the Cross
- The devil tried to fail God’s plans for salvation
2) Jesus bore the unimaginable pain to the end and died to pay off the price of sins the first Adam committed and triumphed by disarming the devil’s rules and authorities.
- He proclaimed freedom and liberation for us
4. Jesus who was raised from the dead
1) He became the new ancestor of humanity
2) He became the source of the eternal life
3) He disposed of sins and death, laws and condemnation, despair and the hell for good.

The dialogue with Nicodemus
“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” Now the captive is released, the blind gained sight, the oppressed became free and Jesus opened a new era of new life and hope when the year of the favor of the Lord is spreading.