The Principle of Looking Ahead, the Foundation of Faith
(Hebrew 11:1-3)

Whether we see it through physical eyes or heart or spiritual eyes, faith is confidence in what we hope for. Through faith, what we see becomes real.
1. Eve who saw the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
1) Tempted by the devil, Eve examined the free of knowledge of good and evil.
2) How she felt in heart about the fruit since she saw it.
- The tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom (false understanding and faith).
3) As a result, she ate the fruit as she pleased and even persuade her husband to follow suit.
- Consequently, they were degraded and abandoned by God.
2. The principle of looking ahead
1) As God answered to Abraham’s prayer at his age of 75, God made him see the stars. * (Genesis 15:5-6)
2) God who gave the land of Canaan as a promise * (Genesis 13:14-15)
3) Through the principle of looking ahead
① We come to understand.
② We keep dreams in our minds.
③ Our faith start working.
3. Jacob who applied the principle of looking ahead
1) The seeing of Jacob who ruled the natural laws * (Psalm 8:5-6)
2) Peeled branches * (Genesis 30:37-39)
- He became an awfully rich man that his flocks were as many as sands in the shore.
4. The eternal life and the principle of looking ahead
1) Just as Moses picked up the snake in the desert
2) Jesus was hung on the Cross * (John 3:14-15)
- Since seeing brings faith to us, we need to see the Lord of redemption on the Cross to have faith.
When we listen to the Word, keep it in our minds, and speak about it, it becomes real.
When we listen to the Word of salvation and envisage the Cross in our minds, see and have faith in them as well as confess about them, we receive salvation.