Heal the Mind’s Disability
(Proverb 4:23)

It is really hard to live with physical disabilities. Being blind, deaf or physically disabled that one has to rely on a wheelchair for the rest of his/her life makes it hard for one to live a peaceful and normal life. It also comes with great pain that one is mentally disabled in the mind. The mind’s disability stops one from leading to happier life while growing.
1. The mind’s worst disability
1) Self-centered evil tricks of life 2) Sin of rebelling against the Word 3) Avarice and greed
4) Arrogance and pride ? disabilities that prevent us from living a life with happiness, true joy and peace.
2. Pessimistic thoughts
1) Habits of having thoughts centering on something we do not have, not have enough, or lack in every aspect * (Mt 13:12).
① Resentment against God ② Resentment against parents ③ Lamenting one’s misfortunes
2) Plus thoughts * (Romans 8:28)
- With faith, think of something that does not exist as if it exist * (롬 4:17)
3) Thoughts in the mind determine one’s fate.
- 12 spies of Israel espionage the land of Canaan. 10 of them reported negatively and 2 of them reported positively.
3. An unthankful heart
1) A heart that never forgive but always complains, resents, hates, and bears grudge without understanding, sympathy, or love * (Ps 50:23)
- The mind’s disability blocks the passage of the grace of God.
2) A heart that gives thanks at all things
① Job’s thanks ② Joseph’s thanks * (Ge 50:20-21) ③ Apostle Paul’s thanks * (2 Co 12:7-9)
4. A life without dreams and faith
1) Faith is being sure of what we hope for (dreams) * (Ps 81:10-11)
- Faith and dreams are just as the front and back of our hands.
Where there is a dream, there is faith and dreams come true when we believe.
2) The Israelites did not have any dreams or faith.
3) The work of the Holy Spirit is to give us dreams, imagination, and faith.
4) Despair is the road to death whereas dreams and hopes are the road to life
5. The power of speech
1) We need to say of faith to effect - it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
2) What we say governs our thoughts in mind ? thoughts and words govern our world and the environment.
3) The power of speech
① Dr. Shigeo Nozawa who invented Hyponica method in Japan ? he introduced tomato plant in the Tsukuba Science and Technology Expo in 1985.
- It was an agriculture method and he said to tomatoes everyday, “it is great to see you grow big.”
- All the living creatures have great power of life that transcends our imagination. In time of the outbreak of life, it acquires unlimited amount of life information. With that information the direction of development of the form and quality is determined.
② Mrs. Miyagawa, the master in agriculture ? if you say to rice “You shall grow big” at a time when rice sprouts in a seedbed, you gain more than 400 seeds from an ear of rice (four times) when normally an ear of rice produces 100 seeds.
Disability hinders growth. Every living creature would be full of life and grow further. The grace of God is to be revealed in wonderful life through us. Therefore, we must get rid of our disabilities.