Eternity and Time
(Luke 9:28-36)

The Bible says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The heavens and the earth represent time, space and materials. That is, the time we say today is created by God, and God, with His eternity, does not belong to time. As God created time, time began to flow just as water that flows from the past and present to the future. If eternity is a lake, time is like a river that flows into the lake. Time is always accompanies with flows and changes. Since the depravity of Adam, time in the Universe began to decay by the forces of death. And the flows of time and changes are also governed by the death, flowing from the past and present into the lake of eternity where time stands still. While alive, we live in time and experience changes. But with death, the end of time and changes come, and we enter into the world of eternity. While the saved go to the heaven, the world of eternity, the unbelievers go to the eternal hell. In those places, there does not exist time or changes. We will reap what we plant in this world forever.
Therefore, we must believe in Jesus and embrace salvation in this present time where time flow and we are able to experience changes. As the present ends and we enter into the afterlife, there begins the world of eternity. For those unsaved, there is no second chance. What will fall upon them is eternal punishment only.

1. Jesus who has come into time
1) A life living in time
① A human being experiences changes while living in time from birth to maturity and death
② Time governed by the power of death of the devil due to sin

③ Human beings born in life of death are incapable of escaping from this time of destiny

2) Jesus who came as a man, a being with time, in order to save human beings who live in time
- God was born as a little child, grew up to be a matured man, redeemed the sins of Adam on the behalf of humans in time, and opened the way to eternity
2. The atonement of Jesus
1) Though He came just as we humans, He was without sin
2) Though He lived in deprived time and space as humans, He was without sin
3) He carried and redeemed all the sins, inequities, diseases, curses, and death of humans on the cross
4) Jesus who returned to the world of eternity
① He came first with no medals at all
② When He returned to the world of eternity by death, he was resurrected wearing the medals of accomplishing forgiveness of sins and righteousness, forgiving inequities, curing of diseases, redeeming curses, and eternal life of resurrection on His chest
- Now Jesus and the medals are the one, being the same yesterday, today and forever more
3. The right understanding
1) Jesus and the fruits He bore are united, and never change as He was resurrected with eternity
2) Believing in Jesus is embracing the fruits of resurrection all together
- The five-fold gospel and three-fold blessings go hand in hand with Jesus
4. It is finished
1) The world of time, space, and materials ruined by Adam
2) Jesus came as the last Adam, took responsibility, and redeemed all

3) Jesus who returned to eternity

- He destroyed the power of sins and devils forever, and is now with us as the eternal savior

By realizing the truth, looking to the unity with Jesus, and strongly acknowledging it, we can experience eternal life and salvation because of Jesus while living in time.