The Resurrection That Perfects Suffering
(1 Co 15:12-20)

If a mother has a stillbirth, all her efforts of bearing a child are in vain. Though Jesus went through a miserable suffering on the cross, His suffering would have been meaningless and in vain if He had not been resurrected. Resurrection makes suffering valuable and meaningful and becomes a royal diadem of victory.

1. Jesus who came into the earth
1) God of eternity came in the form of a finite human being in order to save mankind
2) The Lord lived the life of cursed humans
① Took part in the suffering for 33 years
② Death for the atonement on the cross - had a taste of complete death
③ Resurrection is the proof of the completion of atonement and of victory

2. The valley of death we experience
1) Experience of despair
- Despair of sins, emptiness, death, nothingness, loneliness, etc.
2) We cannot live without the Lord
- Human's absolute despair and the Lord's absolute hope
3) Casting away oneself and depending on the Lord
4) Jesus' absolute hope and experience of life from death
5) To become a witness to the living life
6) Jesus' death is my death, Jesus' resurrection is my resurrection

3. The dream and hope of life
1) A new creation
2) Resurrection of the image and likeness of God - a spiritual being
3) A life of creation and ruling
4) God of Holy Trinity who is with us
5) Having a relationship of love with God on an equal footing
6) The house of our Father

Though suffering is hard while facing it, we would be astonished by the enlightening and changes brought about by the suffering once it's gone. Without suffering, we wouldn't have been able to be freed from arrogance, greed, and avarice of depraved humans and earthly life.