Jesus, My Shepherd
(Ps 23:1-3)

A lamb cannot live safely without a shepherd. Unlike other animals, it has neither offensive weapons nor protective devices. It cannot help becoming prey to other animals unless a shepherd protects it. To make matters worse, it is so near-sighted that it cannot see what lies ahead beyond 10 meters. It must be guided by a shepherd and faithfully follow the footsteps of the shepherd.

1. Making me lie down in green pastures
1) Our green pasture lies beneath the cross
① The green pasture of forgiveness and righteousness
② The green pasture of holiness and the fullness of the Holy Spirit
③ The green pasture of Abraham’s blessings and prosperity
④ The green pasture of healing and health
⑤ The green pasture of resurrection, eternal life and Heaven
2) Making me lie down
① Letting go of all the burdens ② Taking care of us with His hands of grace ③ Not being in want

2. Leading me beside quiet waters
- Living water gushing out beneath the cross
1) Living water of the Word of God
2) Living water of the Holy Spirit
3) River of grace ? We are just like the woman by the well of Sychar
① We cannot find content with earthly things ② The eternal living water that is only given by Jesus

3. Restoring my soul
1) He renews us like an eagle ? An eagle becomes renewed at its 60th birthday * (Psalm 103:1-5)
2) Holistic salvation, He gives us dreams and hopes, and makes us deeply touched * (3 John 1:2)
3) Believe, obey, and praise in gratitude
- Jesus is like a shelter from the wind, a refuge from the storm, streams of water in the desert, and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land
Under the wings of Jesus, my soul is restored afresh
4) He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake
① The paths of righteousness is the way to go before God
- Thanks to His precious blood, we are perfectly freed from sins. And He gave us the gift of righteousness and called us as if we never committed a sin so that we can come before God without feeling shame
② The Lord has become the firstborn among many children of God

We are not alone. Eternal God who died and was resurrected is our shepherd, so we have nothing to fear as long as the Lord is with us.