The Valley of the Shadow of Death and the Spiritual Warfare
(Ps 23:4-6)

Where there is unfaithfulness and disobedience, there is sin. And where there is sin, there is the valley of the shadow of death. Ever since Adam, all human beings have been born to this world, the valley of death, undergone hardships through the valley, and ended up in the hell, the eventual valley of death. Jesus was born to this world as a human being in order to save humankind who suffers in the valley of death. In the valley of death, He lived righteously with His absolute faith and absolute obedience towards God, defeated the death and devils, and was resurrected to become an eternal savior.

1. Not to suffer
1) Realize the helplessness of humans and break arrogance
2) Look for and seek Jesus who overcame death
- Disciples woke up Jesus while He was asleep in the midst of storms in the Sea of Galilee.
3) Trust and obey
4) Rely on the rod and staff of the Lord
- The rod: the guidance of God, The staff: the protection of God
5) For the Lord is with us, we will not suffer. Expect great results.

2. Spiritual warfare
- Human beings who became depraved by the devil always suffer from the suppression of the devil
1) God who makes us resist and overcome the devil
- The devil is always around us as if we are living in a space full of germs
2) The grace of God
- He prepares a table of grace before us so that we are strengthened enough to fight back and win over the attacks from the devil
3) We receive abundant grace and wonderful strength so that we can earn victory
4) The Holy Spirit comes upon us when the devil attacks us
? The devil tries to defeat and cause trouble to us
? The Spirit of God, on the other hand, makes our cup overflows with abundant blessings and victory

3. God is good
1) God’s goodness and love follows us all the days of our lives
2) The bad devil gives us evil things, steal, kill, and destroy us
3) Good God gives us good things and makes that we have life and have it to the full
4) God saw that the world He created was good. And good things happen to us today when He is with us
? Think about good things
? Have a dream about good things
? Believe that good things will happen to us
? Speak of good things

The world itself is the valley of death and the battlefield of spiritual warfare. The only good news is that Jesus is with us.