God's Will for Us
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

God is pleased with our attitude of being joyful always, praying continually, and giving thanks in all circumstances. Only when our minds are stabilized and controlled by doing so, the Spirit of God is able to use us.

1. Be joyful always
1) You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
2) Joy is the way to come before God and to communicate with God.
? Confess with your lips and say repeatedly that you are joyful.
? Laugh out loud even if that’s against your will for the presence of God.
3) Joy makes one positive and brings life to dreams and faith by controlling wind and waves of one’s heart.
4) It is the strength of life to be joyful.
5) The work of the Holy Spirit is joy.
① Where there is joyful, the Holy Spirit works.
② Joy is the strength that destroys the works of the devil.

2. Pray continually
1) Never stop praising God.
2) Pray that God’s will be accomplished.
3) Pray for your neighbors.
4) Pray for yourself.
- Pray in meditation, prayer in whisper, and pray with a loud voice

3. Give thanks in all circumstances
1) Give thanks to God considering how much blessings you have received.
2) Give thanks for God’s help ? in the midst of sufferings and hardships.
3) Give thanks looking for the hopes and dreams.

It is hard for us to control our minds in the daily routine life. If we fail to control our hearts, however, our lives become difficult. We are able to stabilize and control our minds by being joyful, praying, and giving thanks.