The Life That Has the Treasure in Jars of Clay
(2 Corinthians 4:7-9)

Jesus Christ is the only treasure in the whole universe. We are the jars of clay, easily breakable with numerous sins and iniquities. Because of the treasure hidden inside the jars of clay, the jars of clay are regarded valuable and protected preciously thanks to the treasure.

1. Hard pressed on every side, but not crushed
1) The enemy’s attacks such as sins and iniquities, diseases and curses, troubles and disappointment, and death
2) They are all gone in the presence of the precious blood of Jesus within us
- Do not look at the enemies. Fix your eyes on Jesus and rely on Him.

2. Perplexed, but not in despair
1) Humans cannot handle despair of guilt, nothingness of life, and fear of death
2) Many difficulties that put us down
3) The treasure of miracles is within us turning despair and trouble into hope and blessing

3. Persecuted, but not abandoned
1) The devil tries very hard to make us isolated, lonely, and miserable
2) Though we are full of iniquities and under attack, God does not abandon us as long as we have the treasure inside us. Therefore, we are not abandoned in the world.
3) Where there is the treasure, there is also the Father and the Spirit

4. Struck down, but not destroyed
1) Being struck down refers to the devastated life
- Even though the enemy ruins us, he cannot touch the treasure inside us
2) Jesus, the treasure, overcame the deadliest destruction brought up by the enemy and was resurrected from death
3) Jesus who is the treasure is always within us with the life of resurrection
- Though we are struck down 100 times, we rise again 101 times

We ought to think about, give thanks to, worship, praise, and rely on the treasure inside us at all times. We ourselves are extraordinary people who have the treasure inside us.