The Power of Thanksgiving That Shakes the Heavens and the Earth
(Acts 16:25-34)

When Paul and Silas were locked in prison after being caught while preaching the gospel, they were severely flogged and put to starvation with their ankles being chained. As they gave thanks and praised, however, it made the throne of God trembled and the hell shaken.

1. When should we give thanks?
1) When things are in favor of us, give thanks for what we ought to be thankful about.
- Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.
2) Give thanks when things go bad and make us feel painful.
① When we feel sad, lonely, and oppressed
② When we are in pain facing adverse situations
3) Appreciation makes God touched.

2. How should we give thanks?
1) Give thanks considering how much you have received.
2) Give thanks for what you have.
3) Give thanks in heart and out loudly.
4) Give thanks by making thank offerings.

3. Cast everything onto God and give thanks
1) Be resolved to serve God while alive and go to the Heaven after death.
2) If one is not afraid to die, he will live. Cast everything onto God while being determined to die.

* (Jeremiah 33:3) He will tell us great and unsearchable things.
The hardships and difficulties in life are similar to weather, which are very changing at all times. Our job is to take and handle them. The best way to do so is give thanks to God.