Where Does My Help Come from?
(Psalm 121:1-2)

It is just as well that one can live independent of all assistance. We humans, however, are designed to live our lives taking turns in helping each other. What shall we do, then, when we are faced with so daunting a challenge that no one seem to be able to help us? In times like this, we ought to come before the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. There are several preconditions for us to come before God.

1. Where should we look for help?
1) Those who lift up their eyes and look to the hills
① The hills refer to too daunting a problem to solve
- Pains of heart, diseases, economic hardships, human relationships…
② The heart being oppressed by looking
(a) Scared in the heart (b) Hopes lost (c) Courage disappeared
(d) Discernment lost (e) The purpose of life lost
2) The reports of Israel’s explorers ? ten of them saw a reality as daunting as huge mountains. As a result,
① They got scared ? “We can’t go into the land”
② They lost hopes ? “We seemed like grasshoppers”
③ Courage was disappeared ? “Our wives and children will be taken as plunder”
④ They forgot that they were the people of God
⑤ They lost their goal of Canaan
3) Joshua and Caleb ? while exploring the land, they fixed their eyes on God and believed His promises
① Assurance in the heart ? “we will swallow them up”
② “Let us go into and take the possession of the land”
③ “Their protection is gone” ④ “The Lord is with us” ⑤ “Let’s go to the land of Canaan”

2. Fix your eyes on God
1) Fix your eyes on the grace of the atonement on the cross
① Fix your eyes on forgiveness and righteousness
② Fix your eyes on holiness and the fullness of the Holy Spirit
③ Fix your eyes on healing and good health
④ Fix your eyes on the blessings and prosperity of Abraham.
⑤ Fix your eyes on resurrection, eternal life, and the heaven
2) Fix your eyes on the grace of holistic salvation

3. The changes the Holy Spirit brings about
1) Thinking is changed
2) Dream is given
3) Faith and courage are given
4) Declaration of words is changed

We live our daily lives dependent of where we look for help. We live our lives looking to and fearing the mountains of hardship small and large, which makes us discouraged and unhappy. Or we live our lives fixing our eyes on and being deeply touched by God who created the Universe, which leads us to be positive, hopeful, speak boldly with courage and faith, and live a happy life.
“Do not fear looking to the hills. Let us look our eyes on God in whom we believe.”