What is faith?
(Hebrews 11:1)

The Bible says faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. That is, faith is being sure and certain of what we anticipate and dream about. ‘Being sure’ is ‘hypostasis’ in Greek, which means documentary evidence or registered documents. Even though what we hope for and anticipate is not yet to be seen, faith is like having documentary evidence that our hopes and dreams will surely become real or registered documents of house or property.
Then, where is faith? The Bible says faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word about God. That is to say, our hearts and minds listen and believe in the Word. Faith works when we listen to, think about and realize, have clear dreams about, and speak boldly the Word. Therefore, faith is likened to wheat flour, the ingredients of bread, if we hope for and seek bread and to rice if we hope for and seek cooked rice. The Holy Spirit shows wonderful miracles to us if we have faith, being sure and certain, and go forward boldly.

1. Stand firm in the Word of God
1) We ought to read, listen to, meditate on, and realize the Word.

2. Faith and sense
1) Sense is third dimensional while faith is fourth dimensional.
Faith is to believe in God but we cannot prove God with sense.
Faith is to think, dream, and speak of things that we do not see with senses as if they exist.

3. Envision the fulfillment of your dream
1) We fail if we fix our eyes on the circumstances.

4. Be determined in your heart
1) If we have doubts on what we once believed in, nothing is going to work.
We should have faith, a firm resolve, and boldness in hearts of ‘if I live, I live. But if I perish, I perish’

5. Confess boldly and take a risk
1) We cannot gain victory without spirit of adventure.
2) King David was able to win over a lion and Goliath thanks to his spirit of adventure.

Faith is ingredients of bringing miraculous works. In other words, faith is the helping hand of God.