We Should Always Pray and Not Give Up
(Luke 18:1-8)

Explanation of today’s text

1. Clarify your goal and dream
1) Abram who did not have clear goals and dreams in his heart but merely prayed for 10 years
- He got no answers from God between the age of 75 and 85
2) When he had the dream in his heart about bearing a son who was likened to stars in the sky, he finally believed the Lord and He also acknowledged him righteous.

2. Pray earnestly
1) The pray of a widow
2) A friend who paid a visit at midnight

3. Pray focusing on the goal
1) Daniel’s 21-day-long prayer and spiritual warfare against the devil
2) Feeling immersed in prayer

4. Do not give up even if the answer seems delayed
1) As the answer to prayer was delayed, Abram was so discouraged that he took Hagar as his concubine and gave birth to Ishmael
2) The confession of lips and the restoration of faith * (Romans 10:9-10)
- Abram ? Abraham, Sarai ? Sara, Simon ? Peter
3) Remember the grace you have received and give overflowing thanks to God

Victory awaits us only if we do not give up and pull back but go forward with faith and endurance.