The Stages of Faith
(Gal 5:16-26)

All forms living beings have stages of life. They are born, grow up to maturity, wither, and die. Since our faith is also spiritual life, it has stages of life.

1. The life of sinners who ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge
1) Self-centered judgment of good and evil
2) Secular humanism of trying to be equal to God
3) A life of slavery to the devil * (Gal 5:19-21)
4) A life becoming an enemy of God ? If it continues living as it is, it will end up in Hades.

2. The life of the saved who ate the fruit of the tree of life
1) A life realizing that he is a sinner ? A life in need of the Lord’s salvation on the cross
2) A life of a born again Christian
① A life which repent the life of a sinner who ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge and believe in Jesus the fruit of life as savior
② The Holy Spirit comes to live together ? the proof of becoming a son of God so that one can call God as Abba Father

3. The abundant life in the atonement of the cross
1) The fivefold gospel
2) The threefold blessing
3) The fourth-dimensional spirituality

4. The ultimate goal of God
1) The way of changing one’s personality for the perfection
2) The life of disciples to take resemblance of Christ
① Realize the life of Christ
② Become resolved to be a new creature formed by righteousness, truth, and holiness
③ Rely on the work of the Holy Spirit
④ Have positive personality with love
3) Return to Heaven by
① Leaving the house of flesh
② Witnessing the second-coming of Jesus ? being completed as much as we become matured in the world

The greatest life in the world is to live following the footsteps of Jesus, which is, to be saved, become matured, enjoy the blessings of Abraham, have one’s character changed resembling that of Jesus, and return to Heaven.