The Battle with the Devil
(Luke 10:17-20)

We need to be resolutely determined in heart to win the battle with the devil. That is to know that defeat will make us slave to the devil, being under oppression and sadness whether in life or death. On the other hand, victory brings about liberty with true joy, happiness, and life in abundance to us.

1. The Old Testament events from which we can learn
1) Joshua marching around the city of Jericho
① “March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times and give a loud shout; then the walls of the city will collapse.”
② Rahab and her family members were told not to go outside but to wait inside the house.
2) Fight in heart
① Mental confrontation ? A fight against soldiers of Jericho
② Fight against doubts ? There were no changes in circumstances for six days and people who had doubts resisted.
3) Cry of triumph

2. The prayer of Daniel
1) Facts revealed later
- On the day Daniel started praying, an angel was sent to him with an answer.
2) Confrontation that lasted for 21 days
- Resistance from the devil which ruled the kingdom of the air
3) Michael, one of the chief princes, helped break through the enemy line.
4) Faith of Daniel who endured for 21 days not being discouraged

3. The devil was driven out
1) The devil was completely disarmed as Jesus redeemed the debt of humans’ depravity by becoming the sacrifice of absolute obedience on the Cross.
2) You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
3) We are given the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions.

4. The battle of faith
1) False faith and true faith ? Only the word of God is true faith.
2) Faith is invisible substance.
3) What is seen does was not made out of what was visible.
- Fight between what is seen and the invisible substance, i.e. faith
* Fight of endurance and time

The battle of faith lies in endurance. We lose our hearts and feel depressed when fight is prolonged and it takes long time to see our hopes come true. However, the moment when we think we cannot hold on any longer is the very moment when the walls of Jericho collapse and the enemy line is broken through.