The Way to Cope with Emergency
(Psalm 91:1-16)

There is a moment of emergency in our lives, which we never thought we would encounter. The Bible says in Psalm chapter 91 that we are sometimes faced with the terror of night, the arrow that flies by day, the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, and the plague that destroys at midday. In times like this, what shall we do not to be broken and destroyed but overcome the crisis?

1. Come near to God at ordinary times
* (James 4:8)
1) Repent of your sins and cleanse yourself with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
2) Keep the word of God close and be faithful in praying and serving God at ordinary times.
3) Be humble and do not be double-minded but love God with all your heart and mind.
- Then, God will keep you close to Him.

2. Keep in mind and memorize many Bible verses
1) God’s word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path.
- It is wisdom and knowledge when we are facing up against crisis.
2) It is a rampart which keeps our heart strong.
3) It is a weapon with which we can stand against enemies.
4) It is a rope of life with which we can receive God’s help.

3. Depend on the Holy Spirit who helps us
1) Be aware of the Holy Spirit who has come to help us.
2) Acknowledge, welcome, and rely on the Holy Spirit.
3) Long for the Holy Spirit to pray for you.

4. Hold hands with people of faith to cope
1) The power of pray of two people praying in one accord
2) A cord of three strands is never broken.
3) The power of love that enables people to help each other

When faced with a crisis that comes in an instance, we find ourselves in panic struggling with anxiety and fear. At a time when we have to deal with the crisis speedily but can’t expect any help from the world, we can easily overcome and win over the crisis only if we are ready in heart to handle the crisis at ordinary times.