The Time of God and the Way of God
(Jer. 33:1-3)

Jeremiah worried so much for his country and tried to make thing right in his humane ways that God put him into prison. It was to give him a chance to be broken and pray leaving everything to God. Oftentimes we find ourselves complaining to God and going this way and that for things not done on our own ways in time we set.

1. The sovereignty of God
1) The mistaken Humanism of Adam and Eve - eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil means sovereign act of making one's own choices.
2) The first and foremost condition of God in using His people.
① Moses' calling * (Exodus 3:1-12)
② Joshua's calling * (Joshua 5:13-15)

2. The time and the way of God
1) The time of humans and the time of God * (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
2) On God's way, not on humans' way
- The healing of Naaman's leprosy * (2 King 5:8-14)

3. What we should know
1) God who works, God who starts working and completes His works
- God started working in response to our calling.
2) Leave everything onto God unconditionally as the sovereignty lies with God only.
3) By prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
4) Believe and wait.

We often lose our hearts when we face difficult problems or wait a long time for our earnest prayers to be answered. But later on, we come to realize that everything was done according to the excellent wisdom of God. Therefore, we should always pray and not give up while waiting.