The Faith That Knows, Believes, and Trusts
(Hebrews 4:1-11)

When we learn how to swim for the first time, we should realize that water itself has buoyancy that it makes us float as long as we let water float our bodies. But novice never let water make him float. He makes a desperate attempt to move his arms and legs to float on the water. Only when he feels completely exhausted after hours of fight against water, he starts letting water float his body gradually and finally realizes that the water itself makes him float instead of drags him into the deep.
Faith is no different. When we first believe in God, we make every effort to believe in God against our will when we first try to believe in God. The harder we try, the further we find ourselves from having faith. In the end, we are so exhausted that we give up saying if we die we die. Then, we leave everything to God and surprisingly faith begins to work.

1. God who accomplished the creation of heaven and earth
1) In six days God created the heaven and the earth.
2) The heaven and the earth already existed so long before human beings had nothing to do with creating the Universe.
3) Embrace what is already there, do not try to make something new ? Just give thanks to God and govern the world.

2. Jesus who accomplished the salvation of human beings
1) The salvation of humans, which was beyond imagination, was accomplished through the suffering of Jesus.
① Freed from original sin ? Jesus was born of a virgin without original sin
② Only Jesus is capable of redeeming humans’ actual sins, for He is free of sin
③ Freed from diseases
④ Redeemed from curses
⑤ Resurrection from death to eternal life
2) Accomplishing holistic salvation
3) Believe and leave everything to God and one will be saved
- If one tries to accomplish salvation, one has to fight a war against laws only to face appalling failure.

3. Know, believe, and trust
1) Know ? knowing the truth will set us free.
① The purpose of existence for humans is not to work but to enjoy everything God has accomplished for us while loving, being joyful of, and serving God.
2) Believe ? humans become devils as long as they are full of pride and avarice trying to be equal to God.
① Humans beings should believe in, love and be delighted because of God.
3) Trust ? If one insists on working for himself, one must fight and win over laws.
* (Jeremiah 33:3, Psalm 23)
- If one tries to take responsibility for his own life, God washes His hands from one’s life.
If one leaves everything to God, however, God takes care of one.

As swimmers can leisurely swim around relying on the buoyancy of water, we can also live dependent of God’s grace and power knowing and believing that God exists, He has accomplished everything in every aspect of our lives, and He wants to support us and leaving everything to God while loving Him and being joyful.