The Way of the Cross
(Psalm 27:1-3)

There are so many things to regret when we look back on our past. The shameful things we are hiding, the memory of getting hurt, the matters of being lamentable, the things of holding grudges, etc. What does our present life look like? Things don’t go the way we want them to be. We feel sad, angry, and frustrated rather than happy. What about our future? The future is full of uncertainties and no one can see what comes next. Anxiety and fear prevail instead of peace and assurance. The despair of death could come to us any minute. Then how can we walk away the valley of the shadow of death of past, present and future like this unscathed?

1. The past, I, and the cross
1) I was dead because of sins and inequities.
2) God’s judgment and eternal fall
3) The cross which ended the past ? God made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions. And God seated us in the heavenly realms in Christ.
4) Jesus is the light which shines into the past, the salvation, and the life.

2. The present, I, and the cross
1) My heart, family, society, etc. which is formless and empty with darkness being over the surface of the deep
2) Wicked world, the pit of sins and inequities, corruption, greed, false, hatred, anger, grudge, diseases, poverty, disappointment, guilt, emptiness, pain, etc.
3) The cleaning of the Cross
① Washing our sins and inequities
② The work of the Holy Spirit making us holy and changed
③ Healing
④ Blessing
⑤ Resurrection and eternal life
4) Only Jesus of the cross is my light, my salvation, and the stronghold of my life.

3. The future, I, and the cross
1) The Cross abolished the death and Hades ? “I am the resurrection and the life…”
2) The Cross disarmed the devil who is the ruler of the power of death.
3) The Cross opened the gate to Heaven and reconciled us to God.
4) The Cross leads our way to my Father’s house.

Only Jesus who was crucified on the cross is my light, my salvation, and the stronghold of my life. Only the cross is the grace of God who redeems the past, makes us live the present with bold and positive heart, clear out the uncertainties of the future, and gives us the salvation and the life.