Fix Your Eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of Our Faith
(Hebrews 13:5-8)

We must make a choice between fixing our eyes on me, me and God, and God alone. Without firm determination of fixing our eyes only on God, we cannot experience the power of God. Not only that, we feel anxious and unhappy at all times. It is very hard to fix our eyes only on God and proclaim hopeful dreams and faith with at the risk of our lives despite harsh and threatening reality. However, the great devotion of believers lies there. God regards this resolution righteous and blesses us.

1. A life that looks to me
1) We cannot pass our own limit
- We become slave to humane calculation
- Philip made calculations of what Jesus asked from his own standpoint and proclaimed that it was impossible.
2) We become slave to circumstances
- The reporting of 10 spies

2. A life that looks to me and God alternately
1) We struggle with conflict between faith and doubt.
- Most of believers apply this kind of double standard.
- Apostle Peter’s adventure of walking on the water
- We become slave to doubt and fear, coming back and forth between our faith in God and threats of circumstances.
2) We cannot decide whose side we will stand
① We ought to be broken through big trials and failures to be devoted.
② We ought to receive the grace of the Word
③ We ought to receive the strength of the Holy Spirit
④ We ought to have firm determination saying “If I perish, I perish.”

3. A life that looks to God alone
1) Moses’ faith and the parting of the Red Sea
- Despite enormous stress coming from the circumstance he faced, he fixed his eyes on God alone.
2) David and Goliath
① Know God ② Have dreams and hopes in God
③ Rid yourself of secular humanism and put your faith in God alone
④ Boldly proclaim your faith

4. Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith
1) Fix your eyes on the cross of Calvary
2) Realize the meaning of the cross
3) Carry your cross while dream and hope for the grace of redemption
4) Proclaim things that are not as though they were
5) Give thanks and praises to God

What we fix our eyes on determines our lives. If we fix our eyes on us and the world, we become calculative, self-centered, and negative. If we fix our eyes on God, however, we come to accept the Word, live in faith, and live a positive life.