Why Is Jesus My Treasure?
(Psalm 27:1-3)

Jesus is the light in my life, the salvation from the devil and death, and the vitality and power of life.
For us who believe in Him, Jesus is the incomparable treasure.

1. Jesus is my light
1) The darkness of sins disappears and the light of righteousness shines.
2) The light of value and delight shines on the gloomy life of futility and meaninglessness.
3) The darkness of death and despair disappears and the light of hope and joy in Heaven shines.
4) We come to stop wandering with our lives and start living in accordance with the way and the truth.

2. Jesus is my salvation
1) The darkness of poverty turns into lights of blessings.
2) The light of freedom shines on our enslaved body, soul, and lives.
3) The blind in spirit see the spiritual truth.
4) The depressed by the devil gain freedom
5) We come to know the gift of grace by receiving salvation through faith
- Jesus paid the price for redemption on the cross so as to become the salvation for our lives.

3. Jesus is the stronghold of my life
1) Jesus protects us from powers which try to destroy our lives.
- He is our refuge, fortress, and God in whom we trust. He saves us from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.
2) He becomes a shelter from the wind coming towards us.
3) He becomes a refuge from the storm.
4) He becomes the water of life like streams of water in the desert.
5) He becomes the source of the breath like the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land.

Living with Jesus is like having eternal treasures in jars of clay. Therefore, we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed while living in this world.