I Never Despair
(Isaiah 32:2)

We humans cannot overcome sins, guilt, and inequities. Ultimately, humans’ lives are meaningless. No one knows the answer to where you came, why we live, and where you are going. We came empty handed and die in the same way, returning to dust. Our real lives are so weary and full of contractions. We do not even know who we are. Therefore, we humans struggle in the swamp of despair. And then there came the savior who would deliver us from the swamp. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born in flesh and brought us the good news of salvation and life.

1. A shelter from the wind
* (Isaiah 54:11-14)
1) The wind of sins
2) The wind of diseases
3) The wind of pain in the heart
4) The wind of hardships in life
5) The wind of death

2. A refuge from the storm
1) The Ark of Noah
2) The Ark in sadness, difficulties, and hardship
3) The Ark in torrential rain of death

3. Streams of water in the desert
1) The source of life
2) The source of hope
3) The source of happiness and prosperity

4. The shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land
1) The shadow of a great rock in a cursed and thirsty desert
2) The shadow of a rock which gives rest to human beings in pain
3) The resting place from tired and weary life

Because of Jesus, we have hopes and dreams. The joy of life, pleasure and happiness exist. Our weary life turns into green pastures and quite waters because of Jesus.