A Life of Service
(John 13:1-15)

It is in our common sense that a slave serves his master and a person of lower position serves those of higher positions. However, Jesus told us that a master should serve his slave and a person of high position should serve those of low positions and He Himself put that into practice.

1. Jesus who set an example for the life of service
- Jesus washed His disciples' feet.
1) Feet symbolize the actions of life. At the time of Jesus no one was able to keep their feet clean as people had to walk dusty roads on sandals. This means no one living on the earth is free from inequities.
2) Jesus who washed the sins and inequities of human beings.
① A sin offering - atonement for original sin ② A trespass offering - atonement for actual sin and inequities
3) Jesus washed the feet of twelve disciples without any discrimination
① Disciples of good character ② A disciple of fickle character ③ A disciple with doubts ④ A disciple and betrayer
4) Love one another.
- As your Lord and Teacher I washed your feet, you should do the same living a life to serve without any discrimination.
- Do not spat on your neighbors' feet but wash them instead.

2. Mary who served Jesus
- A short description of that scene
A criticism of Judas Iscariot and Jesus' reply
1) The meaning of an alabaster jar
① A bride's dowry for marriage - wholehearted devotion to Jesus
② Devotion and fragrance - the sacrifice of Abraham: Isaac, the fragrance of respect and love
2) Washing His feet with hair - laying down one's pride completely before Jesus' feet
3) Praises from Jesus
① Huge consolation for Jesus who will soon face death
② Holy squander
③ everlasting praise

3. What we should learn
1) Give thanks for the grace of our Lord who washed our sins and inequities in life with His own blood.
2) Live a life to serve - do not discriminate but serve those who either like us or hate us
3) Break the alabaster jar in your heart.
4) Kneel down before the Lord and cast away all of your pride and self-praise - Become oil with which a light can be turned on to shine the accomplishment of the Lord.

Jesus always washes us. Come before the Lord with repentance. Love your neighbor and wash their feet because of Jesus. If you do not spare anything for Jesus and show your devotion, the fragrance of devotion will reach the Heaven and please God.