(2 Corinthians 1:1-7)

When we lose our courage and hope in life under emotional and physical stress that we cannot handle while struggling in circumstantial difficulties of life, we need to hear a word of comfort or receive a helping hand of love to make a comeback. Regardless of age and gender, everyone in our society suffer from stress today.

1. Religion without love
1) Good sermons and praises but no comfort of love
2) Profound theology and studies but no love that cures one’s wounds
3) Grandeur religious events but no love that makes one’s heart warm
4) Elijah and the comfort beneath the broom tree

2. Family without comfort
1) Selfishness in spouses
2) Parents and children not talking to each other
3) Education not teaching how to build good character
4) Mammonism

3. Comfort even Jesus needed
1) Jesus was under enormous stress before being crucified on the cross
2) Mary’s limitless comfort
① A pint of pure nard ? 300 denarii
② She poured the perfume on Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair
③ Comfort brought up by the love and devotion toward Jesus
3) The comfort of Mary which strengthened Jesus to carry the cross

4. Church is the place of comfort and hope
1) The Holy Spirit is the comforter
2) Jesus’ atonement is the lighthouse of hope
3) The comfort from the Word
4) The communion of love between the saints

We cannot live on this brutal world without comfort. Without comfort, there will be more violations, murders, and suicides.