Who Am I?
(1 Peter 2:9-10)

Existentialistic philosophers see that humans are hopeless. They argue that humans are hopelessly in despair looking at them with decayed and corrupted nature, feeling the despair of guilt, not knowing the purpose of their lives, and eventually being swept away by the waves of death.
Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 verses 2-11 tell us about the futility of man’s life being departed from God.

1. The outer person
* (2 Corinthians 4:16)
1) The person of the flesh * (Romans 7:14-25)
2) The outer person ? the person who is wasting away
3) The acts of the flesh * (Galatians 5:19-21)
- The outer person or the person of the flesh refers to the one who turns his back against God, the one who leaves God, and the one who lives a life of secular humanism.
- Without God, humans are in despair. Furthermore, they live as slaves to corruption and graft following all sorts of old habits which are decaying.

2. The inner person
1) The person who repents one’s sins and is born again
? Conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus
① Flesh gives birth to flesh
② the Spirit gives birth to spirit
2) The person who is with Jesus, the treasure
- Jesus of righteousness, Jesus of holiness, Jesus the Healer, Jesus the source of blessings, Jesus of eternal life and heaven
- As the life of Jesus is revealed in us, we are changed * (2 Corinthians 4:7-10)
3) I am broken and rely more on the Lord
A life captured by Jesus through knowledge, dream, faith, and words

3. Who am I?
* (1 Peter 2:9-10)
? A person who has clear identity of the inner person
1) A chosen people
2) A royal priesthood
3) A holy nation
4) A people belonging to God

The outer person is a man of the absolute despair. But the inner person, the person of spirit is to live a life together with Jesus after being born again because of Jesus.