A Person Who Perseveres Is Blessed
(Hebrews 10:35-39)

Whether it is a man, an animal, a plant, a business, or learning, it takes time for it to grow and develop while overcoming the obstacle of hardships. That is why perseverance is required. Moreover, we need to go through and overcome numerous difficulties that make us feel disappointed and wanting to give up in order to see our character grow and faith reach maturity.

1. Perseverance before God
1) God is never in a rush.
① Abraham was promised to have a son at the age of 75 and waited for 25 years.
② Moses ran away to the Midian desert at the age of 40 and was disciplined there for 40 years.
③ Joseph waited for 13 years being a slave and prisoner in Egypt until he became the governor.
2) God grows one’s faith based on perseverance and discipline * (James 1:2-4)
3) The persevering enters into the Heaven * (Hebrews 12:1-2)

2. Perseverance in relationships with neighbors
1) People all have different personality and nature.
2) Friction arises when one tries to coerce someone into submission.
3) It is imperative to have perseverance, understanding, sympathy, and love.
① The relationship between parents and children
② The relationship between spouses
③ The relationship between brothers and sisters
④ The relationship between neighbors
⑤ The relationship between enemies

3. Perseverance in relationship with oneself
1) The endeavor and struggle to bring changes to oneself
2) Perseverance is needed to deal with unjust hardships that one goes through.
3) Perseverance of tolerating numerous failures and disappointment till achieving success and dreams.
- One must go through a desert before entering into Canaan.

4. Faith growth and perseverance
1) The perseverance of a farmer * (Luke 8:15)
2) The perseverance is needed to understand the Word and walk with the Holy Spirit.
3) Perseverance and the fight against the lust of the flesh
- We need to fight against the devil with perseverance * (Romans 5:3)
4) Believe, pray, and wait.

Perseverance is required to put through anything. When Jeremiah was too anxious about saving his country and rushed into things, God put him into a prison. God told him there not to outpace God but pray and wait with perseverance *(Jeremiah 33:3) All the countless hardships and difficulties are exercises and practices through which God teaches us how to be patient and wait for Him.