The Heavens and the Earth Were Completed in All Their Vast Array, It Is Finished
(Genesis 2:1, John 19:30)

God is the Creator and absolute sovereign ruler. God did not need humans’ help and worked alone when He created the heavens and the earth or sacrificed Jesus as an offering for the salvation of humans. God is the master of all works and He does not share the works with humans.

1. The heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array
1) God completed the creation of the heavens and the earth in all their vast array in 6 days.
2) He took a rest after forming Adam and Eve on the sixth day ? He gave His blessings to them. * (Genesis 1:28)

2. Adam’s rebellion and punishment, and a whole new thing
1) Though it was Adam who raised the rebellion, God settled it because He is the master of works. * (Genesis 3:16-24)
2) Jesus’ incarnation and a sacrifice * (Isaiah 53:1-12)
3) It is finished * (John 19:30)
- The Lord even settled rebellion raised by humans.

3. God-centrism and human-centrism
1) God-centrism
① God is the master of all works. ② Working God ③ God completes all works.
2) Human-centrism
① Humans are the master of all works ② Working humans ③ Humans try to make achievements.

4. What is different?
1) With God-centered minds
① Leaving everything to God in prayer ② Knowing that the Lord bears my burden
③ Waiting for God’s voice to say, “I have completed” ④ Having faith and finding peace of mind
2) With Human-centered minds
① Taking responsibility for everything ② Having to bear my own burden
③ Shedding blood and sweat ④ Living a life of painful toil
3) What should we do to do the works God requires?
① Leave all the works to Jesus and believe in Him. * (Matthew 11:28-30)
② Take part in the rest of God

God has completed all the works in creating and preserving the Universe. By believing in Jesus, we are completely freed from sins, become completely purified from inequities, being the temple of the Holy Spirit, cured completely of the diseases, released completely from the curses, and saved completely from the death. ① Think of, ② expect and dream about, ③ believe in, ④ and confess these things.